Latest Malayalam Karaokes
Latest Malayalam Karaoke list....
Adiyushasandhya - Pazhassiraja
Kadhayoru - Daddy Cool
Nattu pattu ketto - Vairam
Kakkanottam - Duplicate
Kunnathe Konnakkum - Pazhassiraja
Coming Soon.....Keep Logging.......
Latest Malayalam Karaoke list....
Adiyushasandhya - Pazhassiraja
Kadhayoru - Daddy Cool
Nattu pattu ketto - Vairam
Kakkanottam - Duplicate
Kunnathe Konnakkum - Pazhassiraja
Coming Soon.....Keep Logging.......
come on upload the latest karoke
please someone upload the karoke of Aadhi megam song from the film Alibhai
where is this karoke?
still its 2010
and no time 2 upload all songs????????/
specially pazhassiraja songs...
please upload the karoake athiyushas, and kadhayamama
please someone upload the karoake of chimmi chimmi-Urumi film sung by Manjari...i need it urgently...the song is with me..nd i need the karoake for doing practise...
hey please upload the Karoake of "oru madhurakkinavin lahariyilengo"-Teja bhai an family filim song please...please....please.....please.....please.....please......please.....please.....please.....please.....please.....please....
or please upload the karoake of parayaan maranna paribhavangal-Garshom filim song... please..